Sunday, May 15, 2011

Welcome to Our Site

This site was created to support and remember the men and women veterans who gave their all to support and protect our freedom.

As a non-profit service, Bengy, the Clown, entertains hospitalized veterans because, as a veteran himself, he understands the cost veterans pay to help protect our freedom. In his colorful costume, Bengy, the Clown, performs magic tricks, makes animal balloons, and hands out gifts.

Upon request, Bengy, the Clown, also entertains at civilian hospitals and nursing homes and is available for birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions.

Contact Entertainment Services in Stoughton, Massachusetts for all the details.
Contact Person: Ben Reynolds, Sr.

Remembering Our Veterans

Don't wait until November 11th as the day when all Americans salute the men and women who have served time in our armed forces. I encourage you to do so each and every day because thousands of these men and women have put their lives on the line during war. 

For many of them, not only were they very far from home for long periods of time, but it has been their first time to face combat up close and personal, and not just read about it in history books. These are the individuals who have risked their lives to protect each and every one of us, so it's important that we show our appreciation to our veterans. Especially take time on Veteran's Day to remember and thank a veteran.

Please take a few moments from your busy day to pause, reflect, and thank those who have served and are serving our country.  Although this site is dedicated to veterans of our Armed Services, almost every American family, many without donning a uniform, has contributed to the preservation of the ideals of the United States of America.

For example, "Rosie, the Riveter" served as a symbol of all those who stayed behind during World War II.  Many moms helped out at the Red Cross or USO. School girls and boys knitted  scarves, socks, and mittens for the men on the front, and collected milkweed pods for life jacket fill. From the American Revolution to today's War on Terrorism, many are the untold stories and many are the unsung heroes.

Today we ask that you remember all those currently in the service of the United States and all her allies.  While military conflicts are never easy to accept, neither are the denial of basic human rights.  Whatever your opinions or beliefs, RESPECT and HONOR those who are answering the call to serve their country.

Get Your Tribute to the U. S. Military Veterans CD

Remember and support the men and women veterans who gave, and continue to give, us freedom in America!

For your donation, you will receive your Tribute To The United States Military Veterans CD in the mail. 

Show your support and patriotism as you listen to the songs and marches of our military branches: 
  1. The Caissons Go Rolling Along: Army
  2. Sound of Soldiers marching
  3. Anchors Aweigh: Navy 
  4. Sound of Sailors marching
  5. Wild Blue Yonder: Air Force
  6. Sound of Airmen marching
  7. Halls Of Montezuma: Marine Corps
  8. Sound of Marines marching
  9. Semper Paratus: Coast Guard
  10. Sound of Crew marching
  11. You're a Grand Old Flag
  12. All Gave Some And Some Gave All
  13. Stars and Stripes Forever
  14. Veterans of the U. S. A.
Get your copy now, just in time for Memorial Day! Show your colors and play your music!

But, more importantly, support hospitalized veterans who will benefit as Bengy, the Clown, brings laughter and entertainment to their day. 

Ben Reynolds, Sr.
Entertainment Services 
Stoughton, Massachusetts

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bugles Across America Provides Live Rendition of Taps for Veterans

Bugles Across America, NFP was founded in 2000 by Tom Day, when Congress passed legislation stating Veterans had a right to at least 2 uniformed military people to fold the flag and play taps on a CD player. 

Bugles Across America was begun to take this a step further, and in recognition of the service these Veterans provided their country, they felt that every Veteran deserved a live rendition of taps played by a live Bugler. To this end, they are actively seeking volunteers to provide this valuable service to Veterans and their families.

Bugles Across America now has over 7500 bugler volunteers located in all 50 states and growing number overseas. Since the Department of Veterans Affairs is expecting more than 1/2 million veterans to pass every year for the next 7 years, Bugles Across America is ALWAYS recruiting new volunteers.

Bugler Volunteers can be male or female. They can play a traditional bugle with no valves, or they can perform the ceremony on a Trumpet, Cornet, Flugelhorn, or a 1, 2 or 3 valved bugle. The bugler can be of any age as long as they can play the 24 notes of Taps with an ease and style that will do honor to both the Veterans, their families, and the burial detail performing the service. 

Contact Bugles Across America for more information by clicking on graphic below.